California History-Social Science Project
A statewide network of scholars and K-12 teachers, dedicated to providing the highest quality history instruction
History Social Science Framework
Outlines a focus on integrating more student inquiry into Californias K-12 classrooms
The Critical Missions Project at UC Santa Cruz
In partnership with native scholars, the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band, and the Critical Missions Studies Collective, we are working to transform the teaching of the California missions.
CHSSP Magazine
The Source is the CHSSPs magazine and includes regular updates on CHSSP programs across California

Author Archives

Archive of the posts written by author: lportebol.

Teaching Elections

With candidates launching their 2020 presidential campaigns, do you have a plan for teaching about elections and the electoral process? Below are a few resources to help you generate an idea or two. Secondary Check out this Elections Project developed by Chrissy MacLean and…

The Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance is a staple of the American experience. Whether it be reciting it at the beginning of the school day or at a major league baseball game, our communities engage with it. But do your students know that the Pledge…

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