Kelly Lytle Hernández on Bad Mexicans: Race, Empire and Revolution in the Borderlands-Sources of Justice Speakers Series


We hope you’ll join us virtually on April 19th from 4:00-5:30 for the third session of California History-Social Science Project’s Sources of Justice  online scholar series where participants deeply analyze and interpret primary sources with a focus on how race and racism has informed and shaped our concept of justice in American and World History.


We will hear from Kelly Lytle Hernández, Professor of History, African-American Studies, and Urban Planning at UCLA. Dr. Lytle Hernandez will present Bad Mexicans, her latest book detailing the magonistas, migrant rebels who sparked the 1910 Mexican Revolution from the United States. We will journey with Dr. Lytle Hernandez as she takes us to the frontlines of the magonista uprising and the counterinsurgency campaign that failed to stop them.


Funded by the Library of Congress’s Teaching with Primary Sources program, the Sources of Justice series brings together CHSSP’s network of scholars, teacher leaders, and teacher educators to inquire into questions such as what or who are sources of justice; how have scholars used primary sources to shape our understanding of struggles for justice over time and place; and what does justice or its absence feel and look like in primary sources?


Join us online (4-5:30pm, PST) for one webinar or the entire series. Register here.