Our Scholarship

Recent Publications

Martin, D., (2023). Bounded Inquiry: Models and Questions. In B. Bain, A. Chapman, & A. Kitson (Eds.) History Education and Historical Enquiry. International Review of History Education, vol. 9. North Carolina: Information Age Publishing.History Education and Historical Inquiry (International Review of History  Education): Bain, Bob, Chapman, Arthur, Kitson, Alison, Shreiner, Tamara:  ...

Martin, D. and Bunch, G. (in press). Amplifying Texts for Multilingual Learners: Selecting, Preparing, and Using Multiple Sources in the History Classroom. in Aida Walqui and George C. Bunch (Eds.) Amplifying the Curriculum: Designing Quality Learning Opportunities for English Learners (second edition). Teachers College Press.

Bunch, G. C. & Martin, D. (2020). From “academic language” to the “language of ideas”: A disciplinary perspective on using language in K-12 settings. Language and Education.

Martin, D., (2018). Teaching, Learning, and Understanding of Public History in Schools as Challenge for Students and Teachers. In M. Dermantowsky (Ed.) Public History and Schools: International Perspectives. Berlin: Degruyter Oldenberg Publishing.

Brooks, C and Martin, D., (2023). History Teachers Thinking About Race and Whiteness: Possibilities and Challenges, Social Studies Research and Practice. Emerald Publishing.

Martin, D. Brooks, C., Scott, J., Ramirez, R.K., Lopez, V. (in press). Exposing the Cover-Up: Critical Truth-Telling in Teaching the California Missions. In CMS Editorial Collective (Eds.) Critical Mission Studies Handbook. UC Press.

Brooks, C. (2021). Discursive Differences in Teaching the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Decision and the Preservation of Narratives of American Progress, History Education Research Journal

Past Publications:

Martin, D. (2014-2017). Focusing on Democracy: A Teacher Educator’s View; The Case of the Missing and Misunderstood Era; What is a worthy test for History?; Politicizing AP U.S. History?; and Dilemmas not Dichotomies for Public History Weekly.

Understanding Language/Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, & Equity (2016, June). Evaluating Item Quality in Large-Scale Assessments, Phase I Report for the Study of State Assessments Systems. Stanford, CA: Author.

Bunch, G. C., Walqui, A., & Kibler, A. K. (2015). Attending to language, engaging in practice: Scaffolding English language learners’ apprenticeship into the Common Core English Language Arts standards. In L. C. de Oliveira, M. Klassen & M. M. (Eds.), The Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts for English Language Learners: Grades 6-12: Charlotte, NC: TESOL Press.

Bunch, G. C., Walqui, A., & Pearson, D. P. (2014). Complex text and new common standards in the United States: Pedagogical implications for English learners. TESOL Quarterly, 48(3), 533-559.

Bunch, G. C. (2014). The language of ideas and the language of display: Reconceptualizing “academic language” in linguistically diverse classrooms. International Multilingual Research Journal, 8, 70-86.

Jaquith, A., Martin, D., and Johnston, J., (2014). Developing a Performance Assessment System from the Ground Up: Lessons Learned From Three Linked Learning Pathways. Stanford, CA: Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education.

Bunch, G. C. (2013). Pedagogical language knowledge: Preparing mainstream teachers for English Learners in the new standards era. Review of Research in Education 37, 298-341.

Martin, D., (2012). Using Core Historical Thinking Concepts in an Elementary Methods Course. The History Teacher 45, no.4, guest editor with Tim Keirn of editionLong Beach, CA: Society for History Education, Inc.

Wineburg, S. S., Martin, D., & Monte-Sano, C. (2011). Reading like a historian: Teaching literacy in middle and high school history classrooms. New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University.

Wineburg, S.S., & Martin, D. (2009). Tampering with History: Adapting Primary Sources for Struggling Readers. Social Education, 73(5), p212-216.

Wineburg, S.S., & Martin, D. (2004). Reading and Rewriting History Students learn to read critically as they plunge into primary and secondary sources looking for historical fact. Educational Leadership, 62(1), 42-45.

Current Research Projects