Our Team
Daisy Martin, Ph.D. directs The History & Civics Project at the University of California at Santa Cruz [UCSC] and teaches in the UCSC Master of Arts/Credential Program. She is an Organization of American Historians Distinguished Lecturer and works with NEH projects focused on teaching the Reconstruction Era and connected to the Reconstruction Era National Historical Park in South Carolina. Dr. Martin previously was a Senior Researcher at Stanford University where she directed the History/Social Studies work and online education courses at the Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity. She also served as the Director of History Education at the National Clearinghouse for History Education (teachinghistory.org), and cofounded the Stanford History Education Group. She coauthored the award-winning book, Reading Like a Historian: Teaching Literacy in Middle and High School Classrooms and website “Historical Thinking Matters,” and recently served as a Core Author for Public History Weekly – The International BlogJournal.
Martin has worked with K-12 teachers nationwide and developed and led professional development workshops funded by, among others, the National Parks Service, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute at Stanford University, and the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. She has an abiding interest in the teaching and learning of historical thinking, inquiry, and informed civic engagement and this has informed all of her work, including her years as a high school teacher in California public schools. Martin holds a Ph.D. in History Education from Stanford University, a M.A. in Education from U.C. Berkeley, a California History-Social Science Teaching Credential, and earned her B. A. in history and philosophy at the University of Michigan.

George C. Bunch is Professor of Education at the University of California, Santa Cruz. An experienced K-12 ELD and social studies teacher and teacher educator, he received a BA in American Studies and English from Georgetown University, MA in bilingual education and TESOL from the University of Maryland Baltimore County, and PhD in educational linguistics from Stanford University. As a member of the English Language Learner Advisory Committee for iCivics, he was recently invited to the U.S. Supreme Court for a convening on making the non-profit, on-line civics education materials more accessible for this population. Active in efforts to prepare teachers to work with English learners, he has served on the English Learner Advisory Panel for the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
Professor Bunch’s research focuses on disciplinary language and literacy challenges and opportunities for language minority students in K-12 and higher education and on policies and practices designed to serve such students. He is a founding partner of the Understanding Language Initiative, formed to heighten awareness of the role of language for English learners in the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards. He is a former National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellow, recipient of the 2017 Mid-career Award from the Second Language Research Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association, and a 2017-20 Spencer Mid-career Grantee. His work has been widely published, most recently with Aída Walqui in the book Amplifying the Curriculum: Designing Quality Learning Opportunities for English Learners (2019, Teachers College Press).

Matt O’Hara received a Ph.D. in History from the University of California, San Diego and a BA in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley. He is currently Professor and Chair of History at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He also serves as Faculty Director for campus undergraduate honors and research opportunities.
O’Hara is an historian of Latin America with a focus on early Mexico. His teaching ranges broadly across the region, including undergraduate surveys of modern and colonial Latin America, as well as upper-division courses on Mexico, the Cold War, and research methods. He is currently a member of a research collective at UCSC that seeks to improve undergraduate education in the humanities.
Professor O’Hara’s current areas of research interest are colonial political culture, religion, social difference, and the history of time. His publications include A Flock Divided: Race, Religion and Politics in Mexico (Duke University Press, 2010); Imperial Subjects: Race and Identity in Colonial Latin America (Duke University Press, 2009) (co-edited with Andrew Fisher); and The History of the Future in Colonial Mexico (Yale University Press, 2018). His research has been funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Spain’s Ministry of Culture, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the American Philosophical Society.

Mark Gomez is a long-time K-16 educator focused on history, social studies, and education. He is also an educational consultant and thought partner helping districts and schools in California build Ethnic Studies programs as well as integrate authentic civic learning. Before that he served as the History & Social Science Curriculum Specialist for the Salinas Union High School District. Mark has also helped to lead regional communities of practice for teachers building their capacity to implement the 2016 California HSS framework. Mark’s curricular and instructional expertise include action civics, ethnic studies, civic imagination, critical media and literacy studies, restorative justice, environmental/social/racial justice, effective integration of technology, placed-based education, and community-driven school design.
Mark has taught both middle and high school history for the last 18 years. He has also taught within teacher education programs at UCLA, Antioch University LA, Cal State Dominguez Hills and Monterey Bay, where he currently teaches within the Education and Service Learning Institute. Mark also serves on the Board of Directors for the California Council of the Social Studies, co-chairing the Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice committee. He is a founding design team member of the Schools for Community Action at Augustus Hawkins High School in Los Angeles and has been working throughout his career to empower students and teachers through authentic and participatory action research projects. His work has been presented at multiple education conferences and research publications He has co-authored several articles on practices in transformative and liberatory education for students and teachers.
Emily Howe, Program Manager
Emily Howe is a University of Santa Cruz, California graduate (Cum Laude) where she studied Sociology with an Intensive Concentration in Global Information and Social Enterprise Studies. As an undergraduate, Emily was involved with multiple research projects combining education with sociology. As part of UCSC’s The Everett Program, Emily worked with a team to bring girls from under-resourced areas in surrounding counties to spend a week on campus learning about college access and diversity in technology. She also worked on a community engagement study that was a partnership between the university and Santa Cruz City Schools that focused on middle school break time. Prior to her studies at the university, Emily worked in early childhood education. Emily is passionate about tackling educational inequalities. Emily is thrilled to be working where she once studied and continues to combine her love of education with social justice through her work at The History & Civics Project at UC Santa Cruz. In her free time Emily enjoys spending time with her family and exploring outdoors.

Charley Brooks is a doctoral candidate in the Education department at UC Santa Cruz where she studies history and social studies education and teacher preparation. Her work is grounded in critical theories of race and whiteness to explore questions related to what types of history is taught and to whom. Charley was a middle and high school teacher in San Francisco where she taught world history and English. She is currently an Educating Teacher Educators (ETE) fellow with the California Teacher Education Research and Improvement Network (CTERIN), a graduate student researcher for The History & Civics Project at UC Santa Cruz, and a lecturer at San José State University. She received her B.A. in Africana Studies and Politics from Oberlin College and a M.A.T. in Urban Education and Social Justice from the University of San Francisco. In her free time, you might find Charley chasing her two-year-old daughter, Meadow.

Erik Bernardino is an assistant professor of History at Bates College in Maine where he studies the U.S-Mexico borderlands, labor, Chicano/a, and immigration histories. His work focuses on the intersection of immigration policy and labor migrations in the Californias at the turn of the twentieth century. He is a graduate of the History Department at UC Santa Cruz. He received his B.A in History from UCLA , an M.A in history from UC Santa Cruz, and was previously a UCSC Graduate Pedagogy Fellow. He is currently an advisor for the History & Civics Project at UC Santa Cruz. In his free time Erik enjoys spending time with his family and watching baseball.

Alexis Roman is a recent graduate of UC Santa Cruz where she received her BA in legal studies with a minor in Education. She attended High Tech High International- a public charter school- where she found her passion for social justice and interned for the California Innocence Project at the Western School of Law. Alexis has worked as an undergraduate student researcher for The History & Civics Project at UC Santa Cruz. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, trying out new coffee shops, and cooking with her friends.